Concrete Masonry Offers Natural Properties That Can Benefit Your Home Or Business In A Variety Of Ways

Construction & Contractors Blog

Are you thinking of building a new house or office building or any other kind of structure from the ground up? If so, you might be researching what types of materials to use for this purpose. If you are looking for solid construction that will hold up over time, you might be looking into your options with a local masonry contractor. While brick is a popular choice for masonry work, here's why concrete masonry might be especially beneficial to your family or your business in the long run.

Stronger Fire Resistance and Lower Insurance Rates as a Result

Concrete as a material is naturally resistant to fire or at least more resistant than a home that is crafted from metal and wood. If a fire does break out in your home or office, you might be able to safely put it out before it has a chance to spread and cause significant damage. This built-in fire resistance will also be appreciated by your insurance provider. You might enjoy a lower premium on your homeowners' insurance or the policy for your commercial building if the provider knows that it's less likely to go up in flames due to the concrete construction.

Natural Insulation From Outside Temperatures Can Make Your Home or Building More Energy Efficient

Homes or buildings crafted with metal or wood often need additional insulation installed in order to keep the air outside from getting into the home and making your HVAC system run all day long. Concrete is naturally better than these other materials at keeping the outside air where it belongs. Your building or home will be naturally energy efficient from day one, although you could still add additional insulation or protections like weather stripping in certain spots like around windows or the bottom of your garage door.

Enjoy the Sound of Silence

If all you want is some peace and quiet while you relax with your family or try to focus on your job at the office, a building crafted with concrete masonry can help keep any loud distractions going on outside from disturbing you. Concrete is a tough material to penetrate and sound waves from outside will likely come through quite muffled or not at all.

Pests Have a Hard Time Getting In Too

Concrete masonry is also ideal if you are putting up construction near the woods, a swamp, or any other area where there are lots of insects or other pests that might try to get into your home or building. Wood can be chewed through and even metal can be penetrated or worked around by the right kind of pest. Concrete masonry is nearly impossible for the average pest to penetrate and that will give your family or your co-workers some peace of mind.

For more information on the benefits of masonry, contact a local professional.


4 April 2022

Contract Work, Construction Work, and Everything Between

The world around you consists of a lot of built structures. Obviously, these include a lot of buildings, such as schools, homes, and places of business. It also includes roads and sidewalks. But it also includes things you may not think about as often, such as playgrounds, telephone poles, and sewer systems. All of these built structures common and uncommon, are made by construction workers or contractors of some type. They're pretty incredible, their work is pretty incredible, and we are excited to write about both them and their work here on this blog. We hope you enjoy reading it, probably while inside some type of built structure.