5 Times To Consider A Seawall Inspection

Construction & Contractors Blog

 A seawall inspection can help you identify problems early that could be much costlier if left alone. It is important to know when to ask for seawall inspection services, and you can expect the choice to be a good investment in these 5 situations.

Buying, Selling, or Transferring a Property with a Seawall

Liability risks accompany all properties that have seawalls. After all, that's why someone put a seawall there. However, the transfer process adds legal risks.

Particularly, folks selling properties need to disclose any problems that might negatively affect the value of the location. Ignoring the state of the seawall is a bad idea on the real estate liability disclosure front. Before you sell or transfer property, you should make a good-faith effort to identify problems. In this case, that means paying an independent party for seawall inspection services.

A buyer should be aware of the importance of due diligence on their end. Even if a seller has paperwork attesting to a seawall inspection, pay for a second one. The worst that will come of it is you'll have two clean bills of health for the seawall.

Following Major Storms

Storms can wreck seawalls, even new ones, quickly. Likewise, erosion can undermine areas that seemed secure before a storm had hit. Also, the shape of the coastline can shift after the biggest storms, and that may leave areas exposed that previously weren't.

Never assume a non-professional eyeball inspection is good enough. Damage can hit the bottom of a seawall, and you may not catch it until it's too late.

Every 10 Years

Absent a clear reason for a seawall inspection, you should have a pro check the structure every 10 years. The survivability of a seawall will vary, with steel ones performing the worst and rock ones performing the best.

A mixed structure will only perform as well as its weakest component, though. Similarly, expanded or repaired seawalls will only perform as well as their most worn-out components.

Problems Behind the Seawall

Even if a seawall seems to be holding up, problems can appear behind it. Soil may accumulate or disappear. Water could appear and take a long time to drain if at all. None of this is good, even if the issues only appear once every few years.

Rust, Corrosion, or Other Signs of Deterioration

A seawall may not look great after years of service. However, it shouldn't look rusted, corroded, or otherwise compromised. Schedule seawall inspection services to check if there are problems at those spots.


5 April 2022

Contract Work, Construction Work, and Everything Between

The world around you consists of a lot of built structures. Obviously, these include a lot of buildings, such as schools, homes, and places of business. It also includes roads and sidewalks. But it also includes things you may not think about as often, such as playgrounds, telephone poles, and sewer systems. All of these built structures common and uncommon, are made by construction workers or contractors of some type. They're pretty incredible, their work is pretty incredible, and we are excited to write about both them and their work here on this blog. We hope you enjoy reading it, probably while inside some type of built structure.