A Skid Steer Can Help Your Small Construction Business Grow

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you have a small construction company, you need to have some heavy equipment so that you can do bigger jobs, which will let your company grow. One piece of equipment that you should get is a skid steer. There are a lot of reasons why a skid steer is a really good idea for your small construction company. 

Skid Steer

A skid steer is a small tractor. It generally has an enclosed cab for the driver to sit in. The skid steer also has connection points on the front, and maybe on the back as well, so that you can put a number of attachments on the tractor so that you can use them. Many companies that make the larger equipment will also make a skid steer. 


One of the best reasons to have a skid steer for your construction company is that they are incredibly flexible. The attachment points will let you put all kinds of accessories on the tractor, usually fairly quickly and easily. If you need to have an excavator on a particular job, then you can attach the digger arm. If you need to have a bulldozer in order to move all the dirt you dug out back into the trench at the end of the job, you can switch the excavator out for the bulldozer blade and push the dirt back into the trench. There are a number of accessories that you can end up with, which will let you do all kinds of jobs. 


The smaller size of the skid steer means that they can get into places that other tractors would have a hard time with. For example, if you need to get into the backyard of your client's house to dig a hole, you may not be able to get a full-size excavator into that space because there isn't a space large enough for the excavator to enter. Even if there was, there maybe wouldn't be enough space for it to do the work. However, a skid steer will be much more likely to fit into those spaces. Once the tractor gets into those spaces, it will be small enough that it can easily get the work that you need done. 

If you have a small construction business, you want to make sure that you have enough equipment to do the jobs you have, and you want to try to get more jobs. A skid steer can help you with that. 

Contact a company like Travis Trucking LLC for more information. 


5 April 2022

Contract Work, Construction Work, and Everything Between

The world around you consists of a lot of built structures. Obviously, these include a lot of buildings, such as schools, homes, and places of business. It also includes roads and sidewalks. But it also includes things you may not think about as often, such as playgrounds, telephone poles, and sewer systems. All of these built structures common and uncommon, are made by construction workers or contractors of some type. They're pretty incredible, their work is pretty incredible, and we are excited to write about both them and their work here on this blog. We hope you enjoy reading it, probably while inside some type of built structure.