Don't Let Your Drains Overflow! Learn The Signs That Indicate You Need Drain Cleaning

Construction & Contractors Blog

Drain cleaning—also referred to as sewer cleaning—is a process that involves cleaning out the outgoing drain lines, or sewer lines, to remove debris and residue that can clog a drain line. When done in a timely manner, this can help prevent your drain lines from clogging, which prevents water from backing up or overflowing in a sink, shower, bathtub, or toilet. Drain cleaning should be completed as needed, and as such, it is important to know what the signs are that your plumbing system is in need of drain cleaning so you can prevent backups and overflowing water or sewage. Here are a few of the most common signs that your home's plumbing lines are in need of drain cleaning services.  

Water Is Not Draining Quickly From Your Drains

One of the most common signs that you will encounter if your drains need to be cleaned is water not draining quickly from your drains. Water may start puddling at your feet in the shower or may be slow to drain from a sink. If you notice the water is slow to drain, there is likely something impeding the flow of water in your drains. Drain cleaning helps to remove obstructions and blockages so water can flow through your outgoing drain pipes again. 

You Cannot Get Rid of Smells Coming From Your Drains

Another sign that your home may be in need of drain cleaning services is having a small scent coming from the drain that you cannot seem to get rid of. It is not unusual for a drain or garbage disposal to smell. However, you can commonly remove that scent by cleaning the drain. If the smell persists, it may be caused by a clog deeper in the drain line. Drain cleaning can push this clog out and get rid of the foul scent. 

You Have Removed Multiple Clogs From Your Drain

The final sign that can indicate that you need drain cleaning is if you've had to remove multiple clogs from your drains. Have you had to snake or plunge your toilet or sink multiple times lately? If the problem keeps coming back, it may be time to hire a professional to get rid of the clog once and for all. 

If you encounter one or more of the problems listed above, you are likely in need of drain cleaning services. Reach out to a plumber or cleaning service that offers drain cleaning as soon as possible to help ensure that your drains do not stop functioning or start overflowing. 

Contact a local drain cleaning service to learn more. 


20 September 2022

Contract Work, Construction Work, and Everything Between

The world around you consists of a lot of built structures. Obviously, these include a lot of buildings, such as schools, homes, and places of business. It also includes roads and sidewalks. But it also includes things you may not think about as often, such as playgrounds, telephone poles, and sewer systems. All of these built structures common and uncommon, are made by construction workers or contractors of some type. They're pretty incredible, their work is pretty incredible, and we are excited to write about both them and their work here on this blog. We hope you enjoy reading it, probably while inside some type of built structure.