Construction & Contractors Blog
Custom stencils keep occupants of a building informed and safe while a construction project is underway. Review your building plans. Then, invest in stencil products that can be used on current and future worksites.
Construction Stencils
The use of construction stencils offers a viable way to inform your construction workers and other occupants of a building about your active plans for a building project. Stencils can be used to mark floors, pavement, interior and exterior walls, and ceilings.
Manufacturers of stencils use quality plastic that contains laser cutouts to create a line of custom products. The plastic that is used for each stencil is resilient to moisture, sunlight, and extreme temperatures.
An Assessment
Assess your building plans. Use current project guidelines and future product guidelines to assist you. If you encounter similar working conditions on many of the construction sites that you oversee, consider the manner in which you currently relay information about an active project.
Directional And Informational Products
If there are confined spaces or other areas that are typically out of bounds, shop for stencil products that contain messages that can be posted in these areas. Stencils can feature directional messages or cautionary messages that will alert your work crew and other occupants of the areas where they can walk and the ones that are off-limits.
Custom stencils can also feature messages that will alert your crew to the parking areas they should use or the entryways that they should access when they are on the job.
Safety Products
If you will be responsible for installing electric or other materials that could be hazardous, shop for stencils that can be used in dangerous areas. Stenciled messages will indicate which surfaces should not be touched or altered while a construction project is underway.
Layout Options
When shopping for custom products, you will have the option of choosing the lettering size and style for each stencil cutout. A supplier of stencils may sell flat and rolled products. Flat stencils will lay evenly across flooring, walls, and other surfaces. Rolled products will require the use of an adhesive, prior to spraying paint through the cutouts.
Usage Tips
Custom stencils should be secured to clean, nonporous surfaces. Before stencils are used to mark pavement, the pavement should be swept off. This will ensure that marking paint is applied evenly to each surface.
Washable marking paint should be used to fill in each cutout. After the stencils have been removed, rinse the paint from them and store them in a clean, dry area.
For more info about custom stencils, contact a local company.
Share28 August 2023
The world around you consists of a lot of built structures. Obviously, these include a lot of buildings, such as schools, homes, and places of business. It also includes roads and sidewalks. But it also includes things you may not think about as often, such as playgrounds, telephone poles, and sewer systems. All of these built structures common and uncommon, are made by construction workers or contractors of some type. They're pretty incredible, their work is pretty incredible, and we are excited to write about both them and their work here on this blog. We hope you enjoy reading it, probably while inside some type of built structure.